
System Requirements and Recommendations for Installing Autosoft

The purpose of this guide is to explain what is needed and what we recommend you have in your business Before Installing Autosoft


Core System Requirements;

  • Operating System - Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7, Windows 8 Standard or Server editions (Latest service pack must be installed, cannot be running Home editions), Windows 10 and Windows Server 12. We do not support the system on Mac or other non-windows operating systems.
  • Computers - Your computers should be Pentium 4 (2.4GHz) or greater with a minimum of 1GB RAM (XP workstations) 2GB RAM (Vista or Windows 7), with at least 5GB of free space. Server 100GB free space  
  • Internet connection - A high speed internet connection is required for Autosoft to provide remote support for the system, and for you to be able to retrieve help information and updates from our customer website pages. 
  • Disable Windows Firewall  - We have found that Windows Firewalls can block features of Autosoft, so make sure you disable them or also Add Autosoft to the safe list. You may have to do this again after a Windows Update has applied to your PC as they often reset the firewall settings. For a guide on this see here -


Other Recommendations;

  • Network - If you plan to have Autosoft installed on more than 1 PC in your business, they must be configured to all be on the same network as the PC in which you nominate to be your main 'server' PC as the Autosoft Install and program files will be hosted there.  
  • Antivirus Program - we recommend you have an active Internet Anti Virus program installed and make sure you allow Autosoft Program Safe list so it doesn't block any of the features. As all internet programs vary - please check with your provider for a guide on how to do this.
  • Microsoft Office - As Autosoft has Email and Exporting features, we recommend you have Microsoft Office installed so you can use these features. NOTE: Autosoft is NOT compatible with Office 365 and Office 16. We do NOT support email functions using Office 365 and Office 16. We recommend using Windows Office 13 or prior.


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